A new year has begun for the Mooresville Chamber of Commerce — its 67th, but my first sitting in the president’s chair. As a student of history, I believe in looking at the past to prepare for the future. I’ve been talking with current and past board members as well as looking through documents of our history.
I begin this year looking in awe at the list of those who have come before me. Not only do I see entrepreneurs and business owners, I also see past Mooresvillians of the Year, philanthropists and those who’ve held political office for the greater good. I see people who’ve helped shape our community through their business’s economic impact or their personal volunteerism. I see names that reside on our high school’s Wall of Success.
Most importantly, I see the names of people who I’ve had the pleasure of meeting and working with on various school or community projects and even one who safely drove my bus to school every day many years ago while also successfully maintaining a business. I know I learn something from each person I meet, and I’ve learned from every single one of them.
Not every chamber president had an easy year. The past 67 years have brought economic downturns, natural disasters and national tragedies. They have also brought community growth, great examples of citizens helping one another and even a sitting U.S. President to a Mooresville Chamber of Commerce luncheon. I certainly hope for more of the latter, but know we must always be prepared for the former.
No matter what 2018 brings to Mooresville, I am excited to face the future. We have an amazingly talented board of directors, each of whom brings skills to keep the overall organization moving forward. I promise we’ll do all we can to make the chamber’s 68th year a positive step toward our community’s future.
Susan Haynes
Mooresville Chamber of Commerce President
Communications and Community Relations Directors of Mooresville Schools