Mooresville chamber welcomes news members in new year

The Mooresville Chamber of Commerce is off to a fast start in 2018.

In our last article, Susan Haynes, our president, introduced herself while laying out the rich body of tradition and experience, we as a leadership team — and the chamber as a whole — have at our fingertips. Mooresville and its chamber have a lot to be proud of.

To start out the new year, the board of directors, of which I am privileged to serve as its vice president, renewed our annual commitment to be responsive to the needs of our members and our community. We asked our membership a number of questions to make sure we had the pulse of the chamber.

Today, we would like to share those results with everyone in our community as we believe chamber member or not, we all have a stake in the future success of Mooresville, Indiana.

Respondents came in all shapes and sizes. Ten percent were new members to the chamber this year. Respondents were evenly split between for-profit and non-profit organizations. Almost a third of respondents were current or former members of the Mooresville Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors. Another third were the owners or managers of their business.

If this survey says anything about the chamber, it certainly must begin with the thought that there is room for everyone in our community to be in the chamber. If you are not a member, consider becoming part of the conversation.

While diverse in makeup, there is near consensus about the chamber’s mission. Over 80 percent of survey respondents believe the mission of the chamber is to create positive conditions for business and economic growth while supporting our community. We believe community success is not defined by merely a bottom line. What makes Mooresville special is we recognize growth for growth’s sake is not sustainable and to be truly impactful, we must be mindful of those who struggle as much as we are aware of those who succeed.

If you want to meet new people and discover innovative ways to grow your organizations, the chamber is the place to be. Survey respondents indicated that the single most impactful chamber offering is wide array of networking events. From monthly luncheons with informative speakers, from our Let’s Lunch! events to our morning Coffee Connections, there are many opportunities for individuals and businesses to tap into a vibrant, supportive networking environment.

We are a chamber of individuals helping individuals. In today’s world, it is easy to forget that real people are impacted by our daily decisions. In Mooresville, at the Chamber of Commerce, people are always first on our mind. Please come see for yourself what we can do to help you and your organization.

Mark Lemieux

Mooresville Chamber of Commerce Vice President

Citizens Bank Senior Vice President of Retail and Marketing

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